
Elder Wadman does not access this blog directly. Messages should be sent using the contact information listed on the side

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 11, 2014

[Note: items in blue brackets have been added for clarification]

[Handwritten letter reproduced here]

Mom and Dad,

You’ve heard most of what I have to say in my email, but I have a little time so I figured writing the two of you wouldn’t hurt anything.

Yes, I got my patriarchal blessing and it’s already smarter than I am, and I did get the flash drive, USB, and mission president’s letter.  I mean, Hannah sent me cookies . . . but . . . ha ha anyway the mail has been really nice and as far as I can tell I got everything.
For the most part, things really have been going well.  I’ve been having my ups and downs, but I feel like I’m getting somewhere.  I have to get up early and do an hour of service in the morning, so that will be super fun.

I’m starting to realize just how long I’m going to be gone though.  It’s not like I’ve been here a super long time, but I haven’t even been here long enough for one transfer, which is kind of wild.
So, technically we have three hours set aside for studying every day, but when you’re trying to teach 20 lessons a week at a minimum you have to get creative.  Here’s my schedule for tomorrow:

5:45        Wake up
6:15        Service

7:20-7:55 Change and 15 min study (for Alfredo)

8:            Breakfast
8:20        Alfredo (Comp [companion] study while other companionships teaching)

9:50        Class (Coaching + Idioma [Spanish for language])
11:35     Gym time

12:25-12:55         Change and Prep
12:55     Lunch

1:40        Rafael Lesson (talks and prework while others teach)
3:00        Class

4:15-5    Carlos (commandment lesson)
5:20        Dinner

6              Study Cycle – (actually personal study 6-7)
7:10        Adrian (J the B Q)

8              4 Elders Lesson (we teach these guys who we found who never do anything during study cycle time, so when we study at the same time we go do a practice lesson)
9-9:30    Planning Session

So it’s kinda crazy.  It’s nice that we get to actually find people who are sitting on benches and talk to them, although they’re volunteers so contacting them is never really that difficult.  We probably have teaching records for about 15 people by now though.
Also, I don’t’ have Kate’s address but if you could get that to me that would be nice, since right now her letter is sitting on my desk. [address has been sent]

Talk to you soon!
Elder Wadman

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